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Technofirma 3 (1.9)
21-05-2016, 10:41 PM,
RE: Technofirma 3 (1.9)
IC2 (Classic) - never able to test due to lack of integration
Electrical Age - Keep
Railcraft - keep, coke oven is really good for progression
Block Physics - Not a fan, TFC physics already exists. Adding another physics mod tends to screw up things more then you benefit from realism
Immersive Engineering - Just getting into it, but seems like it's a good addition
Tinker's Construct - Great mod, don't think would fit well with TFC without a lot of integration. Probably should be left out to keep TFC feel
Weather 2 - Always hated this mod. Breaks things that rely on normal weather.
NEI - Absolute must
Pam's Harvestcraft - Intresting idea but probably moves food too far from TFC, unless you can get the spoil mechanic onto the food.
Wawla - must have
Chisel - I love chisel, gives variety of building mats
Storage Drawers - I don't know this mod at all, but some kind of inventory management mod would be appreciated. Possibly also add JABBA?
-Some guide mod - Quests to teach are always great, possibly make it slightly easier for noobs to start out after the spawn area has been pecked clean.

Magic? I love having magic mods as mid-late game progression and I think it fits well.

Aura Cascade - don't know this mod
Blood Magic - Love it, needs better integration however
Thaumcraft - Keep, good fit.
Witchery - Not sure on this one
Psi - never used
Botania - Good mod, could work with good intergration.
Better Ahievements - Achievements are fun
Flat Bedrock - who cares?
some map mod? Journey map, Leave player radar and cave mapping on, I can understand not having mob radar though.
Better Foliage - Looks great, usually disabled due to performance. but if fps is good enough would leave on.
Graves? This pack requires large amounts of long travel and extremely easy death combined with very high resource cost equipment. Simply put, without KeepInventory I would not play.

Dynamic Lights - Love it. Dropping a torch into a ravine to see whats down there is really cool.
Hardcore Darkness - Hate it. Playing in pitch black is never fun in any game.
Stellar Sky, looks cool but not worth the performance hit
Streams - Kinda cool varity to terrain. Depends on world gen of TFC if they have more biomes and such.
Bloodmoon? No, just no. servers with this see players log out because of a blood moon. There shouldn't be a feature that makes you want to leave.
Techreborn- never used before
Minecraft Flight Simulator - seems like it could be fun, but can the server keep up?
Parachute Mod - if you have planes, you need parachutes.
Chunk animator - I disabled, hate it.
Open Computers - Yes, lots of versatility although I have never gotten into it others that have loved it.
Forever Enough Items
Keeping Inventory? already covered, without I would not play the pack.
Progression? There absolutely should be / is a progression curve
AutoSapling? looks cool, need saplings to drop though. The auto regrowth mechanic only seems to work on loaded chunks. Not having saplings drop is really just limiting how creative we can be with buildings.
Realistic Torches? not needed, already a feature of TFC.
Death Counter? meh who cares?
StepUp - Love having 1 block high step especially in TFC.
Buldcraft - A few of the machines are usefull. The pipes are terrible, very bad. Would prefer a mod like Ender IO for the conduits. Obviously needing a serious re-balance of mats to craft them though.
Territorial Dealings? Land claiming is a basic function that should be easy and free to do, I like this plugin
It lets you claim / manage land easily (it uses a vanilla golden shovel and stick as tools, so this would need to be worked around) and you earn claim blocks for time on the game.
PLacemod? seems cool
trashcan? Yes pls! While i love the mod that keeps items around on the ground for a long time, we still need a way to get rid of junk.
Pig Manure? intresting would take a decent amount of integration though
Simple dimensions - I'd rather a terrestrial alternative for materials gathered from other dimensions. They seem to be not fitting with TFC
Steam Advantage? Meh
Fragile torches? nah, lighting is already hard enough.
Seasons API? redundant, already a feature of TFC. would only cause problems.
InstaBoom - No, sounds very not fun.
Regional water? No, not fun. Limits a lot of things.
Lingering Loot. Like it, just need a trash can for things we want to get rid of.
Inventory Book? Not needed, KeepInventory is
Vanilla Immersion? No, please god no
Decocraft, Yes, love it. But cost for dyes is far too expensive
Capenter's Blocks - Great mod
Craft Heraldry – looks cool, never used
-A fix for vanilla buckets placing vanilla water. Same for Lava. A lot of mods need buckets of water / lava for things.
logistics pipes – Ender IO pls
Peaceful Surface? – YES, LOVE THIS.
Pneumaticcraft? Great mod that fits well with the pack. No one uses it because it isn’t possible to due to integration. The one time I got into it I required a lot of items from you due to recipes not being converted. Also the programing puzzles for the drones should have their iron cost removed really. The costs to craft them were balanced for vanilla iron rates / ease. It’s very expensive to get into the mod so people don’t do it, thus don’t know how great it really is.
Project Red? Don’t even know what this is
Remain In Motion? Never used
Recurrent Complex? Seems cool
Ropes Plus? Love it! I use my Grappling hook all the time
Schematica? Seems cool
ships mod- While I love the idea of a ships mod, this one sucks. It is something that is needed early game but with the mod you need a LARGE amount of wool. Wool isn’t even easy to get in bulk late game. Even with unlimited resources the ships made are slower then a vanilla boat.
Ye Gamol Chattels – has some neat things, wouldn’t prioritize it.

Trade, the pack needs some way to easily trade over long distances. Player trade is near non-existent due to how far people are forced to spread out. Having some mod with a mailbox system at the very least, preferably with a renewable resource cost to mail things, like paper (for envilopes)

Fire Spread, There is nothing worse then exploring an entire continent full of burnt husks of trees because there is lava on the surface somewhere or lightning strikes. Most forest biomes just don't exist because as soon as they are generated they are doomed to be burnt down. This needs to be fixed.

Messages In This Thread
Technofirma 3 (1.9) - by dexman545 - 19-05-2016, 09:15 PM
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RE: Technofirma 3 (1.9) - by resonate01 - 21-05-2016, 10:41 PM
RE: Technofirma 3 (1.9) - by rocketboy351 - 25-05-2016, 03:12 AM
RE: Technofirma 3 (1.9) - by lashtear - 27-05-2016, 01:05 AM

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